plugin Measurement

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Messages : 2
Inscription : 13 janv. 2006 11:02
Localisation : Riga, Latvia

plugin Measurement

Message par Earth12 »

I search plug-in for measurement in PhotoFiltre, where I can manualy to make calibrations and measurement in the image (for example, if take a photo with object and measuring-tape).
I found this plug-in in your website
h_ _p://
but I ascertain that with this plug-in the measurements are imprecise.
Did it possible to add this option in the next relize of this plug-in?
Messages : 13216
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Can you explain what turns you so certain that the measurements of this plug-in are imprecise ? :shock:

I don't understand which option would be usefull in a next release of this plug-in . :shock:
Messages : 2
Inscription : 13 janv. 2006 11:02
Localisation : Riga, Latvia

Message par Earth12 »

In my job I work also with ImagePro-Plus (, and in this software is a nice feature of measurement- spatial calibration. This mean that I can manually to measure in picture what is size of object in meters, cm or millimetres.
If I use photofiltre measurement, then I am dependent from the properties of image (size, pixels, automatically measurement, if I correctly understand), but if I use "spatial calibration", I am independent from this, I simple take a photo with object and measuring-tape (in other words it is a forensic photography), and manualy I can measure how much pixels are in 1mm in picture, for example, and then from this picture I will know the real size of object.
This feature will be very nice. Thanks.
Messages : 13216
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

I have most doubts that a sofware could be able to measure, directly in inch, any object without having a precise idea of his distance from the lens focus, and the size of an other benchmark object, at the same distance.
For that i know in forensic photography, you must put a calibrated marker beside and on the same ground that the target object.
Without any marker on the same ground, i don't see how any precise measure could be get.
With a calibrated marker, you can also measure an object in PhotoFiltre, you have just to convert pixels in inches, with a pocket calculator.

Click on the thumbnail and tell me if you can get the precise size of the feather, which is not in the same ground as the apples. :wink: