You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?
Good morning:
When I want to place two images horizontally or vertically on my screen I use Fenetre (in English maybe Window), in Dutch Venster. Horizontal gives the vertical postion and the other way around....
Is this normal..... or maybe a little bug??
Of course I have the Dutch language installed, only for the forum I use the French, to be more clear.
But is it NORMAL that horizotal and vertical are the wrong way around...???
Je pense que Marga explique que lorsqu'elle va dans " Fenêtre " , si elle active la fonction horizontal , les fichiers qu'elle ouvre ( images ) se présentent de façon verticale , une image au dessus de l'autre , et si elle active "vertical " , c'est l'inverse ....les images se présentent à l'horizontal , ce qui semble donc être contradictoire ...
Hi all, in the Dutch translation we have the "gun" terms for windows position and there it is the other way around. We do not use the terms "horzontal and vertical" . Juxtaposé =(means) horizontally placed and in fact in PF is vertically placed.