8bf menu no more avaible (vanished)

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

carlo taradel
Messages : 271
Inscription : 10 oct. 2005 21:52
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF-PFS
Système d'exploitation : win XP pro- ubuntu_ breeze
Processeur : recycled from waste bin
Mémoire RAM : 1026
Localisation : Roma-Amsterdam-?

8bf menu no more avaible (vanished)

Message par carlo taradel »

maybe yesterday i download too much photoshop filtres in PFS
I was fearing a slower start up of the program...
Instead,This morning ,when i open PFS again,it start up at the usual speed BUT i found the whole menu of 8bf filter vanished.(also the main directory for 8bf filter was disappeared)

ALL the filtres are still visible in the PFS plugin folder but their are not more displaied in the filtre menu

I'm thinking to delete the plugin folder,create a new one,and add PFS plugin and the photoshop filter one by one,to find wich is creating the problem.

But is a time consuming task, and i'm afraid it will not work if the problem is not a single 8bf ,but their number,or their size

Anybody have similar problems and\or could suggest a better solution :?:
carlo taradel
Messages : 271
Inscription : 10 oct. 2005 21:52
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF-PFS
Système d'exploitation : win XP pro- ubuntu_ breeze
Processeur : recycled from waste bin
Mémoire RAM : 1026
Localisation : Roma-Amsterdam-?

Message par carlo taradel »

To be more clear all the Photofiltre plugin are displayed and usable,all the default filtres are OK,only the directory of 8bf is vanished from the menu :!:
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

I tested PFS with more than 700 8BF plgins :D So this isn't the problem...

Check :
-8bf.pfl is in the Plugins directory
-The folder that contains the 8BF is correctly identified in PF settings
Messages : 448
Inscription : 09 mars 2005 21:42
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio 10
Système d'exploitation : w7
Processeur : Pentium (R) Dual Core
Mémoire RAM : 4 GB
Localisation : Spain

8bf Folder

Message par Jaume44 »


Should there be an 8bf Folder in the Plugins? I have followed the instructions for installing the 8bf filters submitted by Jim Clatfelter, and they function well for now. I created a folder called "AAA" and placed all of the filters submitted by Jim in it. Then I placed the "AAA" folder in the plugins folder of Studio.
Should I change this for better compatibility, or is it correct as is? Thanks!

carlo taradel
Messages : 271
Inscription : 10 oct. 2005 21:52
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF-PFS
Système d'exploitation : win XP pro- ubuntu_ breeze
Processeur : recycled from waste bin
Mémoire RAM : 1026
Localisation : Roma-Amsterdam-?

Message par carlo taradel »

:) Well at the and i reinstalled everything and now everything worKs (just the DCE filtres from http://www.mediachance.com are not read)
-The folder that contains the 8BF is correctly identified in PF settings

Jaume44, the AAA filtre , are supposed to be displayed in a submenu of the
8bf filter menu(... filtre/ 8bf/AAA)
if you can use them must be no problem,but how you access to them? :shock:
I mean you don't see something alike "8bf" at the very bottom of the filtre menù ? :?:
All the PS filters and plugin are supposed to be available from there :!:
Messages : 448
Inscription : 09 mars 2005 21:42
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio 10
Système d'exploitation : w7
Processeur : Pentium (R) Dual Core
Mémoire RAM : 4 GB
Localisation : Spain


Message par Jaume44 »


In the dropdown menu for "Filter," it looks like:
Filter 8bf

My question was, NO LONGER, should there be an 8bf folder for 8bf filters in my PF Studio archives? I do not find one or see it. I asked because the subject of an archive or folder was mentioned. (Sometimes I get things completely backward, and I think this is one of those times).

As you aptly stated, if it works.........., and I will not fix it.
Thank you very much for your help.
