Thumbnails of currently open files

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
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Messages : 6
Inscription : 18 sept. 2005 15:31

Thumbnails of currently open files

Message par jacko »


I have just started using PhotoFiltre and I think it looks very promising indeed.

I think an essential part of any image editor is a thumbnail browser showing the currently open images. This allows you to switch between open images much more easily than by using the Window menu.

Less important is a low-resolution real-time preview for the Rotate function, rather than having to specify a rotation angle and wait for it to be applied, only to find out that it was the wrong angle.

Thanks for a great editor.

Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

You can use Window/Tile (horizontal/vertical) It's very useful !
And there is not much free space in PF to set the thumbnails as you suggest... :wink:
Messages : 6
Inscription : 18 sept. 2005 15:31

Message par jacko »

Thanks for your reply.

Window/Tile is not very useful because once you maximize one of the tiled images to view it, the rest of the open images disappear. Then if you want to view another image, you have to select Window/Tile again. This is not a good solution.

Also, Window/Tile changes the zoom factor of all open images.

As far as space is concerned, the thumbnail browser could be toggled on or off.

I know I wouldn't mind allowing some space for it.

Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

I don't think this will be possible :wink:
Messages : 6
Inscription : 18 sept. 2005 15:31

Message par jacko »

That's unfortunate, because it seems that Photoshop Elements 3 now has the capability to view open images as thumbnails.

Thanks for your help.

Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

It's possible but i don't know how doing this for the moment because it's a special windows message when displaying the dialog box
Messages : 4
Inscription : 14 sept. 2005 1:00
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Système d'exploitation : WinXP Pro (SP2)
Processeur : P4C 2.8
Mémoire RAM : 1GB

Message par pvsurfer »

I have to agree with Jacko as to the usefulness of his requested feature... Does PhotoFiltre Studio provide a solution?
Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

yes internal image explorer :wink:

Or use drag on drop from Windows to a PFS shortcut in the desktop (i use this solution)
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

You can also use XnView (freeware) to display the thumbnails or the pictures and a right clic / Open with.
I work frequently so, and its very usefull to compare quickly different releases of some corections on a picture.
Messages : 6
Inscription : 18 sept. 2005 15:31

Message par jacko »

I'm not talking about the Image explorer, which browses the images that exist on disk (although the Image explorer is very useful).

I'm talking about browsing images which are currently being edited.

So for example if I open an image in PhotoFiltre, then on the left hand side (for example), there would be a thumbnail of that picture, and on the right hand side, the picture itself. Then if I choose Image/Duplicate, there would be two thumbnails on the left hand side, and two copies of the picture on the right hand side, and so on.

Such a browser would allow multiple edited versions of the same image, to be easily compared, without having to save anything to disk.

I hope you can figure out how to do this.

Thanks for your time.

Messages : 4
Inscription : 14 sept. 2005 1:00
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Système d'exploitation : WinXP Pro (SP2)
Processeur : P4C 2.8
Mémoire RAM : 1GB

Message par pvsurfer »


That would indeed be a very nice feature - how sure are you that PSE3 can do that?

Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi jacko,

my english is'nt very perfect, but i had correctly your question understood. :wink:
However PF is an "in motion" development, and from 6 month it has several releases known.
The reality is to day, and to do that you describe, you can play with undo and redo, display the pictures with Window/Tile, or save the different steps of your work to compare their look. with a quick browser. Each one his job !
For next releases, what is useful ? A big monster with a lot of marginal options ?
The reason why many people prefer PF than other great references, is his simplicity and intuitive features, without any lost of quality requirements.
You are right to talk and request a new feature, but before to invest a lot of hours, this feature would be greatly useful for most of users.
So long and have many satisfactions with the present release of PF. :wink:
Messages : 6
Inscription : 18 sept. 2005 15:31

Message par jacko »

pvsurfer a écrit :Jacko~

That would indeed be a very nice feature - how sure are you that PSE3 can do that?

There is a review of Photoshop Elements 3 at:

which says:

"there is an expandable organize bin with thumbnails of currently open images"

I don't have Photoshop Elements 3, but I've had Adobe PhotoDeluxe 4 for years now and it does it also. In fact, it's the only reason why I still use PhotoDeluxe; I would much rather use PhotoFiltre if this was added to it.

Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

Maybe a keyboard shortcut would be enough (such like Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in Windows' windows (:lol:))
Messages : 6
Inscription : 18 sept. 2005 15:31

Message par jacko »

FrançoisL a écrit :Maybe a keyboard shortcut would be enough (such like Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in Windows' windows (:lol:))
Thanks for pointing this out. I didn't know about Ctrl+Tab. It is very useful for quickly switching between open images.
