Text bath to read on a scan

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Messages : 4
Inscription : 05 avr. 2005 21:18
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1

Text bath to read on a scan

Message par armand »

Sorry as new user a have a urgent problem
I have scan a map with text bath to read. What can i do, so that the text will be better to read
Please send me a e-mail and i send you the scan.
I'm very thankfull for the help
schols.a AT pandora.be

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Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi armand,

You can send me your scan at the contact adress of my web site.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Sorry armand,

I have tried during a couple of hours, but the result could not be correctly printable.
However to read better, for my eyesight :
- you can try to use 4 or 5 times "auto level" button.
- than try to invert RVB in a mode that get you the best contrast you feel.

Anyways on this scan, some numbers stay unreadable.

The best way would be to make an other scan and test the preview fuctions for the best contrast and color scale. Try also to clean texture with the Twain tool of the scanner, which can help you to sweep the grain effect of the original paper.
Messages : 448
Inscription : 09 mars 2005 21:42
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio 10
Système d'exploitation : w7
Processeur : Pentium (R) Dual Core
Mémoire RAM : 4 GB
Localisation : Spain


Message par Jaume44 »

What is text bath? I am guessing it simply means there is text in the scan. I sent a help offer via your address. It would be a challenge to attempt helping.

Jack :)