newbie questtions #2

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 5
Inscription : 25 août 2005 15:53

newbie questtions #2

Message par kalmatt »

Okay guys, like I said I'm new at thiis.

Antonio -

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Why would I want to "select part of an image, click on image to select pixels with same color".....................HUH?

what does the magic wand do to a picture? How do I use it, what change will it make?


I am sorry I don't speak french also!

what is RMB?

what is LMB click? :wink:

Thanks guys, Kalmatt
Messages : 31
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005 17:51
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1.2
Système d'exploitation : W2k
Processeur : 300 Celery@450
Mémoire RAM : 768
Localisation : Aleman/Germany/Deutschland

Message par Stefan »

Hi kalmatt

you could still use your last thread, no matter to create a new one for the same question!!!

It's also very nifty to use an better Subjet than "newbie questtions"

I use the free version, i think i have no MacigWand ?
You could search the forum and learn what others say about MacigWand
viewtopic.php?t=729&highlight=magic+wan ... e8076fafc9
viewtopic.php?t=2783&highlight=magic+wa ... e8076fafc9
than try to understand and make your own tests or wait till someone could answer you correct.

LMB is a synonym for LeftMouseButton
and RMB for RightMouseButton
Messages : 5
Inscription : 25 août 2005 15:53

responding w/ previous message

Message par kalmatt »

I usually do "quote" my previous posts when I get on forums. Unfortunately I don't read French so I can't figure out which button to click so my question is quoted.
I assumed I would get faster help if I said "newbie", since the other questions I saw on the forum were much more advanced than the place I am at.
I am using the free version also, but.....................
thanks, Kalmatt
Messages : 31
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005 17:51
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1.2
Système d'exploitation : W2k
Processeur : 300 Celery@450
Mémoire RAM : 768
Localisation : Aleman/Germany/Deutschland

Re: responding w/ previous message

Message par Stefan »

kalmatt a écrit :Stephan:
I usually do "quote" my previous posts when I get on forums. Unfortunately I don't read French so I can't figure out which button to click so my question is quoted.
The layout of this phpBB Boards are not different, the are all the same.
So just use your brain and try the same button as in other but english boards (right top side of the post).
You had find allready the button to "submit", what is labled with "Envoyer".
So that's no good answer from you.
Messages : 5
Inscription : 25 août 2005 15:53

Re: responding w/ previous message

Message par kalmatt »

Stefan a écrit :
kalmatt a écrit :Stephan:
I usually do "quote" my previous posts when I get on forums. Unfortunately I don't read French so I can't figure out which button to click so my question is quoted.
The layout of this phpBB Boards are not different, the are all the same.
So just use your brain and try the same button as in other but english boards (right top side of the post).
You had find allready the button to "submit", what is labled with "Envoyer".
So that's no good answer from you.
Thanks for the help, Kathy
Messages : 162
Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA

Message par Bill »

See Answers Inline:

I use the free version, i think i have no MacigWand ?
The Free Version has the Magic Wand Too!

Why would I want to "select part of an image, click on image to select pixels with same color".....................HUH?
As you grow there will be countless reasons. 1st off there will be basically 2 reasons you will be using PhotoFiltre:

#1 To work on an image already created whether it be a photograph you have taken or a piece of clip-art.

#2 You can create images like text, a web site banner, buttons, scrap book pages if you are into scapping and just about anything else you can think of.

That being said here are some real word examples of why you would want to select only part of an image:

1) You could take a piece of Clip-Art, select a girls dress and change it from red to blue to better match a project you are working on.

2) You could be working on a photograph you have taken and maybe half of a persons face could be real dark, by selecting only the dark part you could lighten it a little without changing anything else in the photo.

3) As you get more creative how about taking the person in the picture above and putting them in front of a great sun set instead of the cloudy background there is now.

Getting the idea?
what does the magic wand do to a picture? How do I use it, what change will it make?
I gave you examples why you would want to select only part of an image above. Well the Magic Wand is one of the ways of selecting only part of an image.

There are various ways to create a selection with PhotoFiltre. Selections are the portions or parts that you select to work on. There are the normal shape ones like the triangle, elipse, rectangle etc... the polygon and lasso tool and the Mggic Wand.

The best way to learn how to use the magic wand tool is to play around with it. Open an image of a person with a solid color background then select the Magic Wand. Now Click the background of the image oand you will see a region selected close to the color you selelcted in the photo.

If you noticed when you selelcted the Magic Wand there are 2 choices at the bottom for settings for the wand.

Tolerance and Color:

Tolerance settings will increase or dcrease the amount of colors the wand will select that are close to the color you selelct. 1 for example will only selelct a small area while 100 will select quite a bit more colors or shades of the color you selected.

Color means if you select color it will select every instance of that color in the photo, this can be bad for example if you have a person on a white background and they have white teeth. By selecting both the background and the teeth and you want to make the background yellow I doubt your model would be happy if you made their teeth yellow too :D
Messages : 5
Inscription : 25 août 2005 15:53

thank you for the help

Message par kalmatt »

Thank you for the detailed information. I have place to start to experiment! Kalmatt

Bill a écrit :See Answers Inline:

I use the free version, i think i have no MacigWand ?
The Free Version has the Magic Wand Too!

Why would I want to "select part of an image, click on image to select pixels with same color".....................HUH?
As you grow there will be countless reasons. 1st off there will be basically 2 reasons you will be using PhotoFiltre:

#1 To work on an image already created whether it be a photograph you have taken or a piece of clip-art.

#2 You can create images like text, a web site banner, buttons, scrap book pages if you are into scapping and just about anything else you can think of.

That being said here are some real word examples of why you would want to select only part of an image:

1) You could take a piece of Clip-Art, select a girls dress and change it from red to blue to better match a project you are working on.

2) You could be working on a photograph you have taken and maybe half of a persons face could be real dark, by selecting only the dark part you could lighten it a little without changing anything else in the photo.

3) As you get more creative how about taking the person in the picture above and putting them in front of a great sun set instead of the cloudy background there is now.

Getting the idea?
what does the magic wand do to a picture? How do I use it, what change will it make?
I gave you examples why you would want to select only part of an image above. Well the Magic Wand is one of the ways of selecting only part of an image.

There are various ways to create a selection with PhotoFiltre. Selections are the portions or parts that you select to work on. There are the normal shape ones like the triangle, elipse, rectangle etc... the polygon and lasso tool and the Mggic Wand.

The best way to learn how to use the magic wand tool is to play around with it. Open an image of a person with a solid color background then select the Magic Wand. Now Click the background of the image oand you will see a region selected close to the color you selelcted in the photo.

If you noticed when you selelcted the Magic Wand there are 2 choices at the bottom for settings for the wand.

Tolerance and Color:

Tolerance settings will increase or dcrease the amount of colors the wand will select that are close to the color you selelct. 1 for example will only selelct a small area while 100 will select quite a bit more colors or shades of the color you selected.

Color means if you select color it will select every instance of that color in the photo, this can be bad for example if you have a person on a white background and they have white teeth. By selecting both the background and the teeth and you want to make the background yellow I doubt your model would be happy if you made their teeth yellow too :D
Messages : 31
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005 17:51
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1.2
Système d'exploitation : W2k
Processeur : 300 Celery@450
Mémoire RAM : 768
Localisation : Aleman/Germany/Deutschland

Message par Stefan »

Thanks Bill, now i understand, too.

I had should switch the PF interface to english!!!
MagicWand is well know as "Zauberstab" in german.
But I had not expected that "MagicWand" is the same as "Zauberstab" :D :) :(

Is "MagicWand" the real word for this tool, in Photosh0p and like that, too ?? (i have only german interfaces)
Or only in PF ?
Anyway, many thanks for your support.
Messages : 31
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005 17:51
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1.2
Système d'exploitation : W2k
Processeur : 300 Celery@450
Mémoire RAM : 768
Localisation : Aleman/Germany/Deutschland

Message par Stefan »

Stefan a écrit :...
Is "MagicWand" the real word for this tool, in Photosh0p and like that, too ?? ...
I think, YES, it is.
I seen that now in other apps with english GUI.