Can't crop selected area

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Can't crop selected area

Message par Arvo »

I have a PNG that consists of a drawing on a colored background with an irregularly shaped freehand border and some white space outside surrounding the border. I'm trying to get rid of the white space. I am able to select it with the Magic Wand but can't figure out how to get rid of it. Crop doesn't work, it crops out the part I want to keep. Cut and delete also don't do anything.

I realize the answer is probably very simple, but I can't figure it out. Thanks for any help.
Messages : 162
Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA

Message par Bill »


I am assuming you are using PhotoFiltre 6.1.

If so #1 you will need to work in gif format.

then see this thread and see if it helps.

Muliple Transparency

Message par Invité »


Yes, 6.12. Well I tried doing it to a GIF version of the same file, but I can't figure out how to do that either.

I don't understand how that thread applies. I don't know anything about just trying to eliminate some white around my drawing.

Is this something PhotoFiltre just can't do?
Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

With the freeware version, use Image > Transparent color and click on the pixels of the image you want to set transparent (use tolerence to enlarge area). Repeat this operation for all regions you want to set transparent. Other method : disable transparency and draw with the brush on the pixels to set transparent with the background color. Reset the transparency

With the studio version : juste use the erase tool to enlarge the transparency

Message par Invité »

Antonio a écrit :With the freeware version, use Image > Transparent color and click on the pixels of the image you want to set transparent (use tolerence to enlarge area). Repeat this operation for all regions you want to set transparent. Other method : disable transparency and draw with the brush on the pixels to set transparent with the background color. Reset the transparency

With the studio version : juste use the erase tool to enlarge the transparency

I tried your first suggestion, but it doesn't make the white area disappear. It makes a checkerboard pattern over the area. That's not what I want.

I didn't try your second suggestion, because I don't understand it fully. But I did try to select the white background area and apply "Automatic Transparency." But when I did this the white didn't disappear like I want, it just turned light blue.
Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

i don't understand what you want, can you poste your image and explain the result you want ?
Messages : 162
Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA

Message par Bill »

I tried your first suggestion, but it doesn't make the white area disappear. It makes a checkerboard pattern over the area. That's not what I want.
If you look at the images in the post I directed you to you will notice the checkerboard pattern you mention. The checkerboard pattern represents the area that is now transparent. Anotherwords if you now save your image in gif format correctly where the checkerboard pattern is will now be transparent.