There are quite a few Font Managers available for free on the web. Here's one I know of:
Amp Font Viewer
Too many installed Fonts can really slow Windows down. With a Font Manager like the one above there are several features that make life wonderful.
1) Show a list of Installed Fonts
2) Show a list of non-installed Fonts
3) Preview shows every keystroke for the font selected.
4) Install a Font temporarily until you close Font Viewer. Anotherwords You open Font Viewer 1st, the select the Font you want, now open PhotoFiltre and it will be available until Font Viewer is closed.
5) Catagories allow you to set up catagories of Fonts. Anotherwords all your Dingbat Fonts could be in a catagory call Dingbats. Now select that catagory and browse just those Fonts.
6) Perminent installation of Fonts if you want.
7) Delete Installed FOnts.
Be careful with this one you don't want to delete a system FOnt that one of your programs use.

Print a list of installed Fonts with an example of each Font.
* One Note: You will need to shut PhotoFiltre sown and restart it for the fonts you temporarily install to be available. Also the Fonts will only be available until you close Font Viewer. Once closed the system will reset to the original installed font.