How to use two operating systems in one laptop?

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Messages : 9
Inscription : 05 déc. 2023 14:56
Version de PhotoFiltre : 2022
Système d'exploitation : windos
Processeur : intel i7
Mémoire RAM : 16GB

How to use two operating systems in one laptop?

Message par JiyaHana »

Hi, I'm using Window 11 operating system and there I want to use Linux operating system too in a single device is it possible and how?
Please help me for this.

Thak you.
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: How to use two operating systems in one laptop?

Message par Antonio »

not possible photofiltre run only under windows, try with a windows emulator
Messages : 9
Inscription : 05 déc. 2023 14:56
Version de PhotoFiltre : 2022
Système d'exploitation : windos
Processeur : intel i7
Mémoire RAM : 16GB

Re: How to use two operating systems in one laptop?

Message par JiyaHana »

Thank you @Antonio for your suggestion.

Actually, In window operating system, I want to run Linux operating system for that I'm using VirtualBox. When did I set up the ... 4.deb.html file with virtualbox then it's working fine but interface is not coming and here I need help.
Please give me helpful suggestion.

Thank you.