Hi from Brazil

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 3
Inscription : 21 sept. 2020 21:37
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.14.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 10
Mémoire RAM : 4GB
Localisation : Brazil

Hi from Brazil

Message par claudyarizhman »

I have installed the last version of Photofiltre today in zip format. I launch the program, but I have one question and one issue:

1) I am using Windows 8.1 here, where can I save the zip file of Photofiltre? In folder C: programs>64 bits? Or C: programs>32 bits? I installed it in the Download folder by now

2) After clicking the icon and open the program, I try to open my image at some of my images folders. But, bellow on the left side, all images of that folder start to open in thumbnails. And, Photofiltre says a message error, that the software isn´t responding anymore. How can I stop Photofiltre to load all images when I open only one image from a certain folder?

Thank you/Merci :mrgreen:
Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Hi from Brazil

Message par Antonio »

hide the image explorer (menu Tools > Image explorer)

you can unzip anywere, for exemple in c:\photofiltre