I test latest beta with SHA-256 (pfstudiox.exe) = 2b20a70e4e2c785f30e13927b7f7d0951ecb03a695379d28cbe72effdf9c5305 - all images is open success, problems is resolved.
Big thanks!
Also a gift from me -
Process Hacker v3.0.7689.3162 Git-06964b9f pre-release (latest):
The documentation is as I have in the repository - for this you need to download the source ZIP / BZip2 and Git itself will generate a snapshot of the last commit on the fly, and on the project website. The only thing that, in addition to setting the settings, you will need to enable the Advanced setting and put in the settings editor:
<setting name="EnableKph">1</setting>
<setting name="EnableKphWarnings">0</setting>
## KProcessHacker
Process Hacker uses a kernel-mode driver, KProcessHacker, to
assist with certain functionality. This includes:
* Capturing kernel-mode stack traces
* More efficiently enumerating process handles
* Retrieving names for file handles
* Retrieving names for EtwRegistration objects
* Setting handle attributes
Note that by default, KProcessHacker only allows connections from
processes with SeDebugPrivilege. To allow Process Hacker to show details
for all processes when it is not running as administrator:
1. In Registry Editor, navigate to:
2. Under this key, create a key named Parameters if it does not exist.
3. Create a DWORD value named Security Level and set it to 2. If you are
not using an official build, you may need to set it to 0 instead.
4. Restart the KProcessHacker3 service (
sc stop KProcessHacker3
sc start KProcessHacker3
because To make it possible to translate into Russian, my assembly does not have a signature, but the KProcessHacker*.sys kernel drivers are signed by the developer.