Image lost: restore Image after error "unable to save image"

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Image lost: restore Image after error "unable to save image"

Message par saltkrokran »

Dear PhotoFiltre community,

I love Photofiltre and have been using it for some years.

However, today I've spend the whole day on editing a large picture (50MB) (and always saving, of course). Just before the final touches I wanted to save another time when I got an error "unable to save image". I tried saving it under another name, it didn't work. Photofiltre froze and to stop it I had to close the programm. Now the file is completely gone (23kb instead of 50 MB). I tried to restore it via Recuva - no success :-(.

Do you guys happen to have an idea what else I could do and what went wrong :-(? I'm so, so sad, all these hours wasted :-(.

Kind regards,

Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Image lost: restore Image after error "unable to save im

Message par Antonio »

i think it's a memory error (image too big or too many layers). In this case you should restart PhotoFiltre.
If he bug occurs when saving, the file is corrupted and can not be recovered.

It is recommended to have 2 or 3 copies of your works when you have lot of layers
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Image lost: restore Image after error "unable to save im

Message par Tom »

Hi saltkrokran,

if you want get more usefull memory, you can apply the patch which is described in this topic :
(traduction of french with the Google tool) ... hp?t=23117

But it's only a patch and you have to keep good practices and save frequetly your big works.

From this topic i use permanently PFS with this patch and i have no worry.