Change color of inner frame around picture?

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Messages : 4
Inscription : 07 sept. 2019 15:08

Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Frank8877 »


is it possible to change the color of the inner frame around a picture?

I use a dark theme for my Windows 10 and the inner frame is in a blue Windows 7 style, so I would like to change it to a dark color too.

Here you can see what I mean, I want to change the color of the area marked with the red arrow:

Thank you!
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Antonio »

With last windows release it's not possible to customize theme colors :cry:
perhaps with a windows theme editor ?
Messages : 4
Inscription : 07 sept. 2019 15:08

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Frank8877 »

For me it looks like that the colors (and the Windows 7-look) of this inner frame is fixed in Photofiltre.

It seems that the Windows-Theme has no effect on this inner frame.

My hope was that there is maybe a config-file or something like this in Photofiltre to adjust these colors.
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Antonio »

this inner frame is fixed in Photofiltre.
==> of course no, photofiltre don't fixe windows color, windows are created only by system.
With windows 7 it's possible to change colors by setting the theme but windows 10 dibaled it now
Messages : 4
Inscription : 07 sept. 2019 15:08

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Frank8877 »

Thank you for your information.

So it is a Windows 10 problem - but at the moment I have no idea how to adjust the dark theme to change the color of the inner frame too.

Now I remember using PhotoFiltre with Windows 7 (Dark Theme) and there the inner frame was dark.

Do you see a chance to make changes in PhotoFiltre to change the frame-color also in Windows 10?

Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Antonio »

You can find colors setting in the registrery, but it's not the best way to change it. Don't understand why Microsoft disabled it in last version.

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors

I don't tested change it directelly in registrery, don't know if it works...
Messages : 4
Inscription : 07 sept. 2019 15:08

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Frank8877 »

Now I checked those color-settings in the registry for my dark theme.

All the colors in this registry-path are set to grey and black colors as I expected for my dark theme, strangeley enough there is no light blue color (like in the inner frame of PhotoFiltre) in these registry-settings.
Additionally I checked all my system colors with the tool "Classic Color Panel" -> also no light blue color.

At the moment I'm clueless - has anybody an idea how to change the color or style of this inner frame?
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Change color of inner frame around picture?

Message par Antonio »

I think windows disabled these registrery values, it's for that it' s not possible to settings in the advanced display prameters :cry:

see this link : ... d-in-win10