Please Advise, Limited vision

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 448
Inscription : 09 mars 2005 21:42
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio 10
Système d'exploitation : w7
Processeur : Pentium (R) Dual Core
Mémoire RAM : 4 GB
Localisation : Spain

Please Advise, Limited vision

Message par Jaume44 »

I have been with PF since the turn of the century. In 2005 I obtained the Studio8 version and have been using it since. Recently my hard drive blew, and though I do have an external drive with my important data on it, I somehow missed out on saving my product key.

Is it possible ot have it sent to me? If so, my email is, but you alredy know this.

My screen name is here of course.

Merci bien pour votra soin et temps...……...jack

[Tom] Hi Jack i erase your mail adress otherwise you could be a good target for many spams. [/Tom]
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Please Advise, Limited vision

Message par Tom »

Your original message is pasted in an admin forum and so Antonio can see the mail adress and answer when he will look about new messages.