Arrow shapes in PF?

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Arrow shapes in PF?

Message par Cantello »

I would like to use PF in an educational environment to emphasize picture elements and put descriptional text in a picture.

The text already works fine (as does nearly every other aspect of PF!) but is PhotoFiltre able to put basic shapes somewhere in the picture? Mostly arrows to add emphasis.

Could this perhaps be done with shapes?

Message par Invité »

Okay, I just played around with the shapes some more and also found some basic arrow shapes but if I use this shape, I cannot move and more important rotate it without also moving the background. Is there any way to prevent this?
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi Cantello,
If you charge a shape like arrow, at once the shape is not fused with the image, and you can move the shape or modify it, if the delimitation frame is activated in Selection menu.

Also, note that a right clic on the shape give you a contextual menu.
Than, you can find an item like "Transformation" which allows you to rotate the shape, for example.

You are right, PF is very usefull for emphasize quickly many pictures elements. Enjoy with PF !

Messages : 162
Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA

Message par Bill »

I would not use shapes if I were you. There are some great Arrow and Speach Balloon Fonts around. If you need some let me know I'll dig some up for you.

Fonts are a great tool that folks often overlook and perfect for what you want to do.

1) Type in the letter for the corresponding Arrow you want,
2) set the angle in the text window
3) now hit the Transform to Selection Button.
4) Move the arrow selection over to the position you want it, and then if the rotation wasn't right just hit the Text Tool again and adjust it.

Now because it's a selection you can color it and add just about any effect your imagination can come up with to it.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi Cantello,

I'm sorry for my last post, there is a little mistake in the process : :oops:
When the shape is loaded, you had better to use Transformation in Selection Menu. So you conserve the selection shape.
I don't know why the shape is lost with the right click manner ? I will note this effect and report it.

An other way to work : Create your own arrows objects in a folder and paste them at the right place. On the excellent web site of Bill you can find many tools to create 3D buttons, why not for some arrows ?
Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

to rotate the content of the shape use Copy > Paste and after you can rotate, flip, deform this paste withe the function Edit/Transform

it's better because after the paste, you don't need more the shape


Message par Geexer »

Hello Cantello,
I to wanted to add arrows to pictures, and its really easy!
select line tool from the Tools Palette situated on the right, notice the change at the bottom of the tools palette, choose the width, opacity and finally single arrow or double ended then place cursor on picture (jpeg) draw your line with the left mouse button pressed, let go and there you are!
this program is the best, thankyou Antonio.
Messages : 31
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005 17:51
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1.2
Système d'exploitation : W2k
Processeur : 300 Celery@450
Mémoire RAM : 768
Localisation : Aleman/Germany/Deutschland

Message par Stefan »

I also use the arrow function from the line tool a lot

and it would be nice if this could be improved in the freeware PF
to act like the text tool:

- first draw an arrow with the line tool, than i want to...
... move around and resize the arrow till i confirm it's now OK
... use fill and stroke for the arrow too
... use "drop an shadow" for the arrow too
... maybe "convert to selection"
... maybe an option to set the angle like in the selection option
... maybe use "Opacity" for the arrows too

If i rotate an shape the background (the picture) is rotade too !?

To use an font is an good idea but i didn't have such fonts on all computers
Anyway it would be nice if Bill post a few links to such freeware fonts.

After copy and paste the shape and than rotade it, the background is rotaded too.

Just see i work with PF 6.0.1, is that the problem ?
I will test with 6.1.2 again
