When you try to use your scanner from the PhotoFiltre application, you think your work as a pull action,
intend to get back the image from the scan. Ok it doesn't work as expected...
But you can think your work as a push action : most of scanner models have a specific sofware program which can push the result :
- some of them can transmit (or pass hand) the image result to an image-editor application, perhaps PhotoFiltre.
You have to look into the settings of the scanner software if this option does exist.
- and most of them can automatically save the image result in a folder defined in the settings. So you can also scan your images by lot,
may be in PNG or Tiff format (lost-less).
and of course you can open this folder and double clic these images to open them (push again) with PhotoFiltre
(if associated in Windows settings to this file format).