Scanning problems

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

Hello to you,
I am new to this Forum so please bear with any mistake I may make. This applies to my poor English as well as I am writing from Germany.
But now here is my problem:
If I try to scan out of PhotoFiltre (File / TWAIN IMPORT...) everything seems to be fine. My Scanner is listed (Canon LiDE 200) and can be addressed. The scanner-supporting program starts, the scanner works but as it is going to deliver the data to PhotoFiltre a new window is presented saying: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00000000. Lecture de l'adresse 00000000. Now due to my lack of French I do not know what that means. But even if I did I am not that familiar with computing so I think it would mean nothing to me anyway...
By the way other programs have no problems with my scanner such as ArcSoft PhotoStudio 6, Paint.NET or IrfanView.
I have installed the Plug-Ins Pack II as offered by ... 13793.html
So I suppose there is something wrong with PhotoFiltre.
Possibly there is a compatibility problem with my OS.
If any bug in PhotoFiltre is responsible for the mistake as described this entry may be assisting to fix it.
Thank you and Bye-bye!
Messages : 32
Inscription : 12 sept. 2008 16:58
Version de PhotoFiltre : PhotoFiltre Studio X (10.9.2), PhotoFiltre 7.2.1 et PhotoFiltre 6.5.3
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP
Localisation : The Netherlands

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Shadowdance »

Hi there,

that's a question from our forum. Theophil is using Windows 7 Pro 32 bit as OS.

Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Tom »

can you precise the scan mode in use : color, grayscale, 8, 16, 24, 48 bits ?
Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

I have tried all modes available:
Periodical (colour)
Newspaper (Greyscale)
Document (Greyscale)
There is no difference in behaviour of PhotoFiltre except that the window quoted (Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00000000. Lecture de l'adresse 00000000) apparently appears only the first time. After that it did not show up again. But the scan didn't appear either. PhotoFiltre remained empty.
I noted one other thing: During the process (different scans) PhotoFiltre froze and would not react anymore. It was not possible to shut it down either. So I had to close it by Task-Manager which eventually worked out, third try or so.
Anyway, using IrfanView I have a nice workaround so if there is no solution found I can still use PhotoFiltre afterwards to improve the scan.
But still if the problem could be solved I would be grateful.
Thank you.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Tom »

Thanks for the precisions.
I will leave a message to Antonio about this and the correct behaviour with IrfanView.
I hope he could fix this problem.

If you have the oportunity to try to scan with XnView, and return us the result, it would be fine,
because it could be helpfull for Antonio.
Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

I knew XnView though I never had used it. But now following your proposal I have installed this tool and have done a few scans with it using different modes. No problems whatsoever.
By the way I found another nice workaround which is quite satisfying:
I remembered Canons MP Navigator EX 2.0 which comes together with the LiDE 200 scanner. Starting the process with this tool enables the user to have the scan directly sent to a suitable program, in this case PhotoFiltre. So in the settings of the Canon tool I have chosen PhotoFiltre to which the scan is to be delivered. Works fine - PhotoFiltre starts automatically showing the scan which then can be improved or changed.
Obviously the main problem remains: The immediate scan out of PhotoFiltre is - in my case - still not possible.

Thank you.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Tom »

Thanks a lot for the try with XnView. I think that could be very usefull for Antonio to debug this point.

You have the right reaction : Usualy i remind to use the soft provided with the scanner.
Sometimes indeed the soft can give the hand to an other program.
And sometimes the original soft offers somes functions or settings which are not available in the Twain module.

Thanks for your feed back and so long. :)
Messages : 12
Inscription : 27 oct. 2010 17:28
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.3.2
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7
Processeur : ???
Mémoire RAM : ???

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Antan437 »

Hello Theophil,

We are both not very good in english. No problem !
Your trouble and mine are similar. Try this.

I solved my problem this way :

1/ The picture is in the scanner.
2/ In PhotoFiltre, click on the Scanning icone.
3/ The scanning starts alone and you can see the picture on the screen.
4/ Frame the picture like you want it.
5/ Clik Finish.
6/ The new picture is now on the screen.
7/ Now forget the program that dos not work and go your way !!!
8/ Click File, then Save, then Type a name and Save.
9/ All is over ! You have your scanned image.

I Hope it worked like it did for me ! ... Tell me !

Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

Thank you, Antan, for your contribution.

Unfortunately the way you are suggesting is not working in my case as I have described in the beginning.

But I have always used different workarounds, some of which I have mentioned in this thread.

It is still somewhat disturbing that PhotoFiltre itself does not work but maybe the bug can be fixed soon.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Tom »


sorry it does some weeks ago, and i have forgotten a beta version was done about the Twain module : :oops:

You can try this 6.4.1 and dowload it from this page :


I hope this will be better.
Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

Is it necessary to uninstall first or can I just install the new version which will update (or uninstall) the old version?
Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

Was this a portable edition? This is what I presume since it was not necessary to install, it worked right away.
Anyway, the same mistake except that the pop-up-windows now shows a different wording:
Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00484B41dans le module photofiltre.exe. Lecture de l'adresse 0000020.
Just to repeat:
I did not install 6.4.0 because surprisingly 6.4.1 worked without installing i. e. after unpacking the .exe appears, klicking will immediately start PhotoFiltre. No offer to install is being made.
Result: No significant difference so I shall keep my 6.4.0 as it is using German and I have installed all Plug-ins.

Thank you.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Tom »

Yes, the exe file of 6.4.1 can be pasted (without install process) in the same folder as 6.4.0 with a different name.
So it can use, by the same way, your lang file, and all your settings, plugins and furnitures.

I am very surprised that is no difference at all of behaviour for the call to the Twain module of your scanner,
but reality is reality... I will report this post to Antonio when he will be back, so we only can wait and see for the moment. :)
Messages : 13
Inscription : 29 oct. 2010 18:49
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Pro 32 bit
Processeur : AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-76 2.30GHz
Mémoire RAM : 4,00 GM

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Theophil »

I have done a few more scans just to test, using the two different versions of PF and using first the CanoScan and then the WIA-WIA settings - insufficient, although to my surprise in one case the result was OK! But it was impossible to repeat.

I've understood your remarks - that PF can just pasted into the same folder. Question: Is there another remarkable difference between 6.4.0 and 6.4.1 or is it just the TWAIN-part? If so I will just go on using 6.4.0 for convenience sake...

So let's just wait. As far as I am concerned there is no urgency!

Have a nice Sunday!

Thank you and Bye-bye
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Scanning problems

Message par Tom »

A new version will come after that beta one, with some new goodies.
But the news for the 6.4.1. :
- you can use a pattern image for Stroke in the Stroke and fill function
- the polygon selection tool does close with the right click instead of a dubblle click to prevent the work of very nervous users. :lol:
- and some changes for the Twain module, but apparently insufficients...