Newby With PhotoFiltre 6.3.2

Post here if you need help to realise, to draw something. / Enpoŝtigu ĉi tie se vi bezonus helpon por realigi, por desegni ion.

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 1
Inscription : 09 juin 2009 5:53
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.3.2
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP w/ 3 pk
Processeur : IE
Mémoire RAM : 2 GB

Newby With PhotoFiltre 6.3.2

Message par Shorty62 »

I am American and just downloaded the PhotoFiltre 6.3.2 software. I am trying to edit a picture of our church for a church pictorial directory taking out an unwanted light pole, stop sign and electrical wires that are right in front of the church. Everything seems pretty straight forward with the software and I was able to transfer the picture into the software after downloading. I tried to use the magic wand tool first thinking that that would take out the unwanted things in the picture. I can move the tool over the areas I want edited out but it makes no change to the picture. I saved it after running the tool over it but the picture was the very same original. Then, I tried the blur and smudge tools with the same result - no changes. There must be something I am not doing incorrectly. Can anyone help?

Messages : 13203
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Newby With PhotoFiltre 6.3.2

Message par Tom »

Hi Judy,

A selection shape is only a limited area where you could apply some effect or do some action.
You have also to tell to the software what you want it does. :)

To remove some unwanted elements, it's better to use the Clone Stamp Tool.
The intention is to use this tool like a copy with translation of a "clean" background area.
Don't worry if you feel it's hard, it's realy an advanced operation into any image editing software.
This needs a little bit practice. :wink:

Have also a look at the tutorials page of the official web site :
It can help. :)