Simple Text Question

Post here if you need help to realise, to draw something. / Enpoŝtigu ĉi tie se vi bezonus helpon por realigi, por desegni ion.

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Simple Text Question

Message par b1rd »

Hi and thanks for taking the time to read this.

I'm using PFv. 6.3.2.

Is there a way to change the font color individual words within a sentence without cutting them out, changing the color and then replacing them? I did check the FAQ using some basic search words, but there far too many possibles to read through.

Hi and thanks for taking the time to read this
Messages : 12765
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Simple Text Question

Message par Antonio »

no :cry:
Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Re: Simple Text Question

Message par b1rd »

Thanks. After this much time went by, I sort of assumed that.

Speaking of text questions, I'm in the second day of my trial period with PF Studio v9.2.2. I'm finding working with the text more difficult than with the free version of PF. For example, when I put down a word, then select it, via the right-click and choose the cut option, the word remains. When I get more time, I'm like to shoot out another question.

But beforehand, other than layering, and perhaps a couple other tools (eraser, stamp, etc..) is there any other significant difference between the two? I don't mind paying for the Studio version, but I don't do layering and I'm not finding it as friendly as the other. I'm sure it's just the learning curve.

Perhaps a comparison page?

Thanks again.