You need help to start ? Or to use a plugin ? Use the tutorials ! / Ĉu vi bezonas helpon por starti ? Aŭ por uzi etendadon ? Usu la Didaktikojn !
Modérateur : Modérateurs
Messages : 162 Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA
par Bill » 23 déc. 2004 5:41
I don't know if anyone is finding use for my tutorials but I'm so amazed at what this program can do that I can't resist.
Here is one for creating a drop shadow a little more realistic than the one created with PhotoFiltres Shadow Filter. ... /index.htm
Messages : 53 Inscription : 16 juin 2004 11:14
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.0
Système d'exploitation : Win XP
Processeur : 2.4Ghz
Mémoire RAM : 256
par JogyGeorge » 26 déc. 2004 12:36
Bill a écrit : I don't know if anyone is finding use for my tutorials ....
Well, if there is just one who learns from the tutorials, your work has paid off ..... and I for one am certainly using it! Anyone else and its a Success!
Cheers ... Keep going .... and Merry Christmas!