Image resizing does not apply chosen resampling setting to layers

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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 1
Inscription : 03 janv. 2025 15:01
Version de PhotoFiltre : X / 11

Image resizing does not apply chosen resampling setting to layers

Message par johannes »

Hello and happy new year,
I need to double the size of an image with a few dozen layers using nearest-neighbour resampling. However, it seems like in both PhotoFiltre Studio X as well as PhotoFiltre 11, the user-chosen resampling option is only applied to the background layer, not to the individual foreground layers. They are all resampled using some other higher-quality resampling option. Is there a way to enforce nearest-neighbour interpolation for all layers?
Messages : 12874
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Image resizing does not apply chosen resampling setting to layers

Message par Antonio »

Sorry not possible, layers use native resampling (in code): Bicubic, for RGB chanels and Bilinear for Alpha channel.
Nearest is not very used now and has not been coded.

But if it is only for visual effect, you can merge all layers before resizing in nearest mode (work with an image copy so you don't lose layers)