IPTC support

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Messages : 2
Inscription : 17 juin 2020 5:09
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7
Système d'exploitation : W10
Processeur : Recent
Mémoire RAM : Lots

IPTC support

Message par LeDadd »

A good photo editor would support the IPTC standard so that a caption, key words, location etc. can be stored with digital images. As a person restoring old photos, I wish photofiltre had this support. However, I have been unable to find this in Photofiltre or a plugin that supports it.

If I write a caption, I use XNVIEW but if I edit in Photofiltre, which I love, it does not retain the IPTC data - just drops it.

So, is anyone aware of a plug-in where I can add IPTC data, create IPTC templates?

How can we as a community get Photofiltre developers to introduce full IPTC standard meta data support in Photofiltre and in Studio?
Messages : 12873
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: IPTC support

Message par Antonio »

it's right, photofiltre can't manage ITCP. All ITCP and RAW libs are in C++, photofiltre is developped in Pascal :cry:
Messages : 2
Inscription : 17 juin 2020 5:09
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7
Système d'exploitation : W10
Processeur : Recent
Mémoire RAM : Lots

Re: IPTC support

Message par LeDadd »

Sorry - that doesn't make sense to me. IPTC is meta data. I can't see how a programming language prevents development of code that reads and writes meta data. Hopefully a Photofiltre developer might see this and consider for an enhancement.