How to draw circles, ellipses squares?

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How to draw circles, ellipses squares?

Message par Corsari »

Dear friends I'm an happy new user of PhotoFiltre, but I find in it the same limitation of programs like Gimp or either Photoshop, one function that in Windows Pant it is easy to find and so to use:

The shape tools

I mean suppose you want to draw an ellipse or a circle, like when you want to draw a straight line, in Paint, you click on the Ellipse shape, you choose if you want it filled or empty (just the border), you select the line thickness, you select the color and you click and drag your ellipse or Ctrl-click if you want a perfect circle.

That is

Am I wrong or this is not available?

Which steps are you supposed to do to get an empty ellipse or an empty circle? I mean just its shape/border of a chosen colour?

Thank you for your help and hints

Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: How to draw circles, ellipses squares?

Message par Tom »

one function that in Windows Pant it is easy to find and so to use: The shape tools

It is similar in PhotoFiltre, il you activate the Selection Tool (The arrow icon) and you can check Stroke and/or Fill

But the better way is to draw a selection shape and right clic in the selection / Stroke and fill

Many tutorials with translation tool from this page : ... ccueil.htm

but I find in it the same limitation of programs like Gimp

most of limitations are not in the softwares, but in the ways to use them. ;)
When a tool does not match as you wish, try around an other way, you will find many manners to get your easyer own path.