For beginner : Pil Button shape - Double border => PF6

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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 162
Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA

For beginner : Pil Button shape - Double border => PF6

Message par Bill »

I added 2 new beginner tutorials today.

Creating a Pill Button ShapeTutorial

And a Double BorderTutorial.

I plan to make the Double Border Tutorial part of a new series of tutorials showing alternative ways to present your photos and spruce them up a little.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi Bill,

I like very much the tutorial "Pill Button Shape", and i think it will be usefull for a biginner and more.
I appreciate also your intention for "Double Border", but it seams to miss something in the processing items :
- i did Stoke and Fill, but i don't see width for 10. :wink:
- i suggest you a little variant : Menu = Image / External frame (I don't know the correct translation in english version)
At first : width = 1 : color = white
Then width = 9 : color = black
the both items with Background pattern = unchecked in the case you show, but in some other cases, a modest pattern could be nice too.

I like the style of your tutorials, we are waiting for the next one.

Have a nice day.
Messages : 162
Inscription : 20 déc. 2004 3:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : Free and Studio
Système d'exploitation : Coffee
Processeur : God Given Brain
Mémoire RAM : Not as well as when I was younger
Localisation : Abington, Pa USA

Message par Bill »

i did Stoke and Fill, but i don't see width for 10.
There may be something in the translation. See the image below with the red circle. That is the width.
- i suggest you a little variant : Menu = Image / External frame
Most graphics programs have more than one way to do a task. I like to try and show people some of the tools that they may not use or not even know about. It does not mean that my way is right. I just want to get people thinking.

In America we have a saying:

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

With graphics program that is also true.

Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi Bill,
I'm so confuse :oops:
i have to change my eye glasses. :lol:
The translation of PF is right. I don't know what i thinked to ?
Probably was i disturbed by the fact that Stroke and fill matches without any active selection ?

I like very much the saying about the differents ways to skin a cat.
To appreciate such an idiom, we have also a saying :
C'est frappé au coin du bon sens that could be roughly translated as "It is stroked at corner (pillory) of good reason".

I fully agree that it is practical to could do something with differents ways and make so thinking to conform the tool use at our own need.
So you got your target. :wink: I have fished something new for me.
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

Tom a écrit :C'est frappé au coin du bon sens that could be roughly translated as "It is stroked at corner (pillory) of good reason".
I didn't know this one :lol:

To translate Bill's saying I would say :
Tous les chemins mènent à Rome :wink: (All pathes go to Roma :roll:)