PhotoshopFilter plugin

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Messages : 8
Inscription : 18 mars 2012 16:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows
Processeur : AMD
Mémoire RAM : 4Gb

PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Lambourne »

First of all I want to thank PhotoFiltre author, Antonid Da Crus, for an excellent editor - I'm using it for so long time! So I decided to create a free plugin for working with Photoshop filters. It is not so good as the one in PhotoFiltre Studio but that's better that nothing :)

PhotoshopFilters plugin contains a basic implementation of Photoshop filter plugins for PhotoFiltre image editor. Please be warned: not all plugins will work, some plugins can crash. It's not a Photoshop, really :) I tested about 100 free plugins (including Xero, MV's and other) and ~90% works fine.

Download and unzip plugin. Copy "PhotoshopFilters.pfl" to PhotoFiltre "Plugins" folder. Add your *.8bf plugins to "Plugins\PhotoshopFilters" folder (you can use subfolders).

Open menu "Filter" -> "Plug-in" -> "Photoshop Filters", select a filter from list and click "Filter" button.

[Tom] I displace from Technical support [/Tom]
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Tom »

Waouh ! Very fine work !
The installation is rather exacting (no other path or folder name allowed and the exact characters must be respected)
But the plugin is very user friendly and the managment of the 8bf filters is very usual for the same result as in PF Studio.

I did check SmartCurve from Easy Filters, Pinnocchio from MV'S Plugins, and Porcelain and Litograph from Xero.
Use and result are exactly so qualitative as in PF Studio.

But i could not see the image in the preview window of LucisArt 8bf from Lucis.
However the filter much and gives a correct result.
Messages : 8
Inscription : 18 mars 2012 16:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows
Processeur : AMD
Mémoire RAM : 4Gb

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Lambourne »

Thanks for your note! The plugin was updated, now there are a folders list to configure.
Please note: you may need a permission to write to PhotoFiltre folder.
The new version is accessible by same link as before.
Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par dvip »

Great job, Lambourne! :D

The only thing is that if I use the Selection Tool (or the Magic Wand) to apply the effect to a selected area it doesn't work. It applies the effect to the whole image.

It works with many plugins but I can't get it to work with XiDenoiser MP v 4.2.2 (32 bit).
It loads fine but when it is done it crashes. If you want to try it yourself here it is:

Keep up the great work! :clap:
Messages : 8
Inscription : 18 mars 2012 16:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows
Processeur : AMD
Mémoire RAM : 4Gb

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Lambourne »

Thanks. About selection - if someone will show me how to get current bitmap's selection mask on Delphi - I can try to implement it... But I can't promise.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Tom »

Fine option to choose the folders to add . It works very correctly.

I'm not able to answer for the selection mask under delphi.

I just tried the PhotoshopFilter plugin on the 7 release.
it works fine too but not on a layer, only on the whole background.
Messages : 8
Inscription : 18 mars 2012 16:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows
Processeur : AMD
Mémoire RAM : 4Gb

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Lambourne »

Thanks for your suggestions, friends!
First of all: I found how to get a selection mask. So current version forces Photoshop plugins to work only with selected region if any. But in preview plugin will show full image, not only selected area.
The second thing is about layers. Unfortunately it's impossible for PhotoFiltre becasue layers are restricted only for Studio version. So I commented all the code I written for layers - it crashes the free PhotoFiltre version.
You can download version 1.2 using the same link as before.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Tom »

Lambourne a écrit :.../...
The second thing is about layers. Unfortunately it's impossible for PhotoFiltre becasue layers are restricted only for Studio version. So I commented all the code I written for layers - it crashes the free PhotoFiltre version.
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing : :)
PhotoFiltre 7 version is a new freeware release built on the same core as PF Studio and can manage layers.
The PhotoshopFilter plugin works in PF7 on the background layer.
Other pfl plugins can work on the layers of PF7 or PF Studio.

Checked 1.2 version with vectorial and bitmap selections it works fine. :clap:
Messages : 8
Inscription : 18 mars 2012 16:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows
Processeur : AMD
Mémoire RAM : 4Gb

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Lambourne »

Yes, Tom, we are talking abot same things. You can look into Plug-in development document, the section "Functions available only for a compatibility above or equal to 4 (PhotoFiltre Studio only, see RegisterCompatibility for more information.)" and you'll see that all layer functions are there: GetLayerWidth, GetLayerHeight, GetLayerBitmap, SetLayerBitmap etc. I tried to call this functions from PhotoFiltre 7 and my plugin crashes. So currently it is not possible to use them...
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Tom »

All right, currently it does not work with the Studio core, i understand it's not easy. :)
But i had believe understood it was not possible for some built-in restrictions.
I answered only on this point because some pfl like "Rectifier grand angle" are working on layers.
But It doesn't matter, PhostoshopFilter plugin is already a very good tool as it is. :)
Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par dvip »

It is working great in the selected areas, Lambourne! :D
Great job!
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Tom »

Want you make some new improvement again or wish you i try a french translation in the Plugin section ?
I can also suggest a translation for your download page ?
Messages : 8
Inscription : 18 mars 2012 16:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows
Processeur : AMD
Mémoire RAM : 4Gb

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Lambourne »

What kind of improvement do you mean, dear sir? Multilanguage support? It's really not so hard to implement but I see no reason in this - most of plugins have only english interface and the PhotoFilters plugin contains not so much text to be unclear for user if he already uses english plugins. But if you insist - I can make it.
About the web-page - it was designed only because it was required... If Antonio Da Crus will publish this plugin on own site - this will be the best approval for me :)
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par Tom »

All right. :)
Outside the layers point, i have no particular demand.
It wanted just to know if you consider that the test phase is achieved,
and/or if you hope your plugin would be published in the french Plugins pages of this forum.
For the official site, effectively it's the business of Antonio. :)
Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Re: PhotoshopFilter plugin

Message par dvip »

Lambourne, you may want to add a button to remove a plugin.
Something similar to the [+ Filter] button... Should be called [- Remove].

I remove pluging by editing the config file that you included.

Keep up the great work!