Capture - client area in Word

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Capture - client area in Word

Message par Zdenek »

sorry, I don't speek French.
The Photofiltre is absolutely perfect, thanks.
I have any suggestion to plugin Capture writen by Benjamin FOURNIER:
In html files works the option "Use vertical scroll", but this doesn't work in
doc files. This may be difficult, I know, but I like to see it very much...
Thanks, Zdenek
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

:arrow: First there is an international section for those who don't speak french :wink: I moved the topic.

:arrow: I also saw that this plugin doesn't work in Word :( I don't think Benjamin can do anything about that beacause it's directly due to the "building" of Word itself :?
Messages : 33
Inscription : 17 févr. 2005 20:37
Localisation : czech republic

Message par SuE »

I am not sure, if this can help to solve your problem, but easy way of geting pictures embedded in word / excel is to save the document as .html file. When it is saved, it generates the .html file and a folder containig all pictures :-)

Sometimes - in older versions of word - this option was not in "typical installation", so it is necessary to start setup of the MS Office and check the option

Message par Zdenek »

FrançoisL > Yes, I thought so too :-(, but I tried to ask.
SuE > OK, but I need to save a doc (simple) site as an image because of correct displaying of unusual fonts and non ascii characters on other computers (saving doc with embedding fonts is often uncorrect). I tried to use PdfCreator to create bmp file, this may be not coorect too.

Message par Zdenek »

Post scriptum: "save as html" or "export to compact html" are not correct too.
Messages : 33
Inscription : 17 févr. 2005 20:37
Localisation : czech republic

Message par SuE »

czech, by chance? (according to name :-))

to html by melo fungovat, mohl by to byt problem se znakovou sadou, melo by to jít konvertovat do utf nebo tak neco - zkus diskusi na

Message par Zdenek »

Thanks, polyglot SuE ;-). In html there is no problem with charset, but with layout etc., there is yet an alert about it by saving html file in Word.

Message par Invité »

this may help for a while (it is 30 day trial )
The program simulates a printer and creates a picture:

this one should be free but there is some key necessary for .doc (may be only to avoid ads, I do not know) :

Message par Zdenek »

Thank you, it's better than my previous experiments.

Message par Zdenek »

But these programmes give not an authentic copy what is on the screen - reproduces vector fonts etc.
What I seek out is (this works like the Fournier plugin, but in Word, too).
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi Zdenek,

I'm possibly late to answer, but i use daily a virtual printer that is PdfCreator.
This tool is quick, stable and gives images of rather good quality for a very light pound in file.
Here is a link for a french site to download it, but i think the gnu community has other site in any langages. :wink:

Edit : 2009/06/11
This is a 32 bits software for i386 architecture. :wink:
Messages : 1
Inscription : 11 juin 2009 16:11

Re: Capture - client area in Word

Message par MuseOfLife »

A lot of pdf creators do not support 64-bit OS. Today I have discovered new PDF Printer. It works ok on my 64-bit XP.
Messages : 1
Inscription : 19 oct. 2009 8:39

Re: Capture - client area in Word

Message par henrylcoles »

This is what I needed...
Thanks! :D